Broken Hearts Collide 2015
I have a new piece that will be at Never Ender Reno's annual Broken Hearts Collide show for the month of February. I've shown a few pieces in that space before, but was always out of town for the receptions. Timing! This time, I'm really happy to say that I will be able to be in attendance at the reception tonight. I've seen some of the pieces already and I'm excited to be a part of the show. Here is the new painting that will be on display and available for purchase.
This painting is the first of a series that I've had in my head for a while. Each piece will incorporate the heart balloon or bleeding chest motif in some way. I have several ideas for it that I'm anxious to work on, but they'll have to wait until I get through a couple of other projects I have on deck. With this painting I was trying out the broken color style that I've been using lately, but I used acrylic paint instead of oil. Oils will always be my first love but I want to be good with acrylics so bad! I keep trying with mixed results. My thoughts on this new piece are mixed as well. I really like it, but I definitely wasn't very confident going into it. The idea is strong and I like the way the colors came together, so I can still stand strongly by the finished piece. Can't wait to see it up on the wall at the show!