I've been putting in all sorts of non-painting yet art-related work lately and I'm happy to say that my online shop is almost ready to go! If you are interested in purchasing prints or original pieces, you'll be able to do so very soon! Check back here or look for a post on my Facebook page to see when the shop is up. I'm really excited that this is finally coming to fruition and I can move on to the next project on my list!
Some Encouragement
This was an email that I received this morning. It definitely was a much needed boost today. It's okay to talk yourself up and mention what you're passionate about. Even if you're just "working on it" but not well-known yet, own what you do and share it with others. What comes back might actually be good and sincere.Trace ~~<3
A Thank You Message
This is just a personal "thanks" that I wanted to share in appreciation of all that have been following me and for all of the support expressed for the showing of my Hemorrhage series. Y'all are the shit!